How do I find newer articles that cite an article I already have, or older articles that a particular article has cited?
This is called reference chaining: using a single article to find older and newer articles about the same topic by tracing citations to the article, and citations from that article to other articles. You may find yourself needing to reference chain if you have a small number of articles on a topic and need to find more. For example, we can start at Google Scholar. Enter the title of an article in quotation marks. The quotation marks ensure the title is searched as a phrase, and not as individual words.
Find your article in the list of results, and then click on the [Cited By] link at the bottom of the article record. This will take you to a list of articles that cited your article; they are published more recently than the article you started with. If there is no Cited By section, and you are looking at a recently published article, there may not have been time for another article to cite it and be published.
To find articles cited in this article's References, pick one and try using the library's citation linker to find those articles.